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Volunteer Opportunities 

Human Rights Committee Volunteers Needed

The people we support, employees, and our community all have rights, which may vary according to our abilities to exercise them as determined by a court of law. At Firm Foundation, Inc., we support people in exercising their client rights through encouragement and teaching, regardless of any limitation set by the courts. Client rights are claimed by all of us and cannot be denied under any circumstances. Help us protected them!

Advocates have many roles within our agency:


  • ​Monitoring compliance for people supported under the care of Firm Foundation, Inc.

  • Maintaining confidentiality of services

  • Promoting community engagement

Membership Requirements:

Human Rights Committee membership is determined by the Director and Management Department. Committee membership must have a minimum of six members and shall include:


  1. A clinician, currently licensed, certified, or registered in NC state as one of the following: social worker, physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, registered nurse, speech pathologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, or pharmacist; and

  2. An additional party, preferably with no ownership, employment relationship or other interest in the agency. This may be someone in an advocate role or someone with a developmental disability, or a family member of someone with a developmental disability.  A long-term goal for committee membership is  1/3 membership from this category. 

  3. A current and former foster child.

  4. A current and former foster parent.


The committee members receive initial and annual training on the roles, responsibilities and procedures of the Human Rights Committee.


Firm Foundation, Inc, will ensure adequate safeguards are in place to protect the civil rights of people supported.  This will be accomplished, in part, through the provision of education and training to its employees and people supported.  Training topics include the Client Rights, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and training designed to increase independent decision making and advocacy, as it relates to rights important to the person supported.  

Time Commitment

Human Rights Committee is held every 180 days for monitoring purposes and as

needed in the event of an emergency situation. 


The frequency of Human Rights Committee monitoring is determined by the committee at the time of the initial review.  Subsequent reviews shall not be in excess of one year.  

If you are interested in the Human Rights Committee please complete a volunteer application.


Submit this form by fax (910) 485-3332 or email

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